About us


Nina Code began at the beginning of 2016 (although, as much as the collaborators and services were presented before), as a way to formalize with clients the work that It was carried out occasionally, with web and graphic services.

The name comes from the pet of Germán González, the founder, a French bulldog that in turn inspired the logo.

At the end of 2018, a new stage begins with Ismael Ochoa collaborating as an important part of business in Puerto Vallarta. Where we invited several professionals who provided their services independently, giving opportunities to local talent and connecting them with clients internationally.

During the pandemic, in 2020 and 2021 there were many changes and re-structures, new collaborators and new clients, but with the same objective, to provide quality services and with competitive budgets, where the quality of all our work will speak for itself.

At the end of 2023, even more progress is made and Nina Code S.A.S de C.V. is born, committed to generating more capital and expanding operations.

Mision, Vision & Values


At Nina Code we strive every day to ensure that companies use technologies in the most effective way so that they achieve their objectives, always thinking that all companies and ventures are different and that not all measures They apply to everyone, that is why we work so that both the tools and costs are always adjusted to the needs of all of them. Thus, when one of them grows and reaches its goals, so do we.


Bring small, medium and large businesses closer to current technological tools in the cloud.


  • > Responsibility
  • > Transparency
  • > Collaboration